Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am feeling pissed off over everything. Damn the moodswings.
Studied & did homeworks today @ compasspoint.
I so not going to sleep, neither am I going to care if I'm tired or pimples popping out. & damn, there're school from morning till evening 6. How to survive? count the hours of studying & tiredness.

I'm suffering from constipation! omg. I didn't shit for days.
& I heard weird noises. I'm a scardy cat, i dare not move anywhere except sitting infront of the computer keeping myself busy when i'm not.

why am i talking craps here? Because I'm bored. there's still 7 more hours to 6. how to stay awake when i got nothing to do?

why am i complaining here? ah, fuck. feeling damn pissed off.

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