Friday, September 25, 2009

Have been very very despondent from the morning till now. & i didn't go school again. Was very very tired and overslept till 'i don't know' what time. Have to stop this already. Pondering if I should go study with chelsa and friends later. Don't even have the mood to do so. But I want to study ah. Ah crapppppp la, feel like talking to *toottttttttttt* right now.

Wondering, curiousity, detested. hope.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A sense of satisfaction.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


3 days of motivational ws. It was tiring indeed, but great. I've learnt so much from that. & It has made me  really think. I felt so remorseful for not treating my parents well. I've regretted wasting so much of my time.
My parents always teared for me, I've never made them proud of me before. I hurt them times and times over again. I've never seen them smile for ages. 
I regretted for not saying i love you to my mum. Now, I have to take up the courage to tell them this. 
Deep down in my heart, i really really do love them so.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I feel like strangling someone now!
I wish I'm a criminal that doesn't get caught. My offence: murder.
i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. i'm bored. I'M BORED LA (((((:
I can't get to sleep. Neither can I get myself to face the books. I don't feel like using computer too. I think...I shall go daynight-dreaming now.